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soal bahasa inggris kelas 6 sd tentang direction and location

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Direction and Location

Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbai contoh soal bahasa Inggris tentang Direction (arah) and Location (lokasi). Contoh soal dibagi ke dalam 2 jenis model soal, yang pertama berupa pilihan ganda dan bagian kedua melengkapi percakapan rumpang. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan lihat contoh soal di bawah ini dan kunci jawabannya.

soal greeting and introduction

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD Direction and Location

A. Read the text below to answer questions number 1-5!
My name is Andy. I live at Sudirman Street. My house is next to the bookstore. Today, my mother asks me to accompany her to the traditional market. The traditional market is located at Merdeka Street. There are many public places along this street.

There are a bank and a post office on the both sides of the traditional market. The bank is in the left side and the post office is in the right side. There is a bakery across the traditional market. There is also a police station. It is next to the bakery.

1. Where does Andy live?
a. at Merdeka Street
b. at Benteng Street
c. at Merdeka Street
d. at Sudirman Street

2. Where does his mother want to go?
a. She wants to go to the traditional market.
b. She wants to go to the supermarket.
c. He wants to go to the traditional market.
d. He wnts to go to the supermarket.

3. Where is the traditional market located?
a. At Wijaya Street
b. At Sudirman Street
c. At Merdeka Street
d. At Cut Mutia Street

4. Where is the bakery?
a. On the left side of the post office
b. On the right side of the traditional market
c. Across the police station
d. Across the traditional market

5. What are the public places next to the traditional market?
a. A bank and a post office
b. A bakery and a post office
c. A police station and a bakery
d. A bank and a bakery

Kunci Jawaban

1. d. at Sudirman Street
2. a. She wants to go to the traditional market.
3. c. At Merdeka Street
4. d. Across the traditional market
5. a. A bank and a post office


Pilihan Ganda

Soal No.1
Look at this map below! (Question number 1 -5)
Where is the School?
A. It is on Kamboja Street
B. It is on Melati Street
C. It is on Mawar Street
D. It is on Anggrek Street

Soal No.2
At Jalan Mawar, there is a . . . . on the right side
A. Andi's house
B. Bank
C. Hospital
D. Post Office

Soal No.3
The hospital is . . . the post office
A. Across from
B. Between
C. Next to
D. Behind

Soal No.4
Andi go to a post office to send letter. He go ahead on Kamboja Street. After meet T-junction, he . . . to Melati Street
A. Turn right
B. Turn left
C. Turn around
D. Go straight

Soal No.5
How many crossroad in the map above?
A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three

Soal No.6
Look at this compass!
The letter X indicates the direction . . .
A. East
B. West
C. North
D. South

Soal No.7
It is in the south of Bali. In bahasa means. . .
A. Ini di sebelah selatan Bali
B. Ini di sebelah utara Bali
C. Ini di sebelah barat Bali
D. Ini di sebelah timur Bali

Soal No.8
Look at this map!
Java Island is in the. . .of Bali
A. East
B. North
C. West
D. South

Soal No.9
Look at this picture!
Andi : Where is the park?
Dani : Go ahead and . . .. The park is on the right side
A. Turn right
B. Turn left
C. Turn around
D. Turn back

Soal No.10
Donna go to florish. She want to buy. . .
A. Flowers
B. Meats
C. Fruits
D. Book

Soal No.11
Look at this picture!
Hotel is . . . Airport and Supermarket
A. Across from
B. Behind
C. Between
D. At the corner of

Soal No.12
Look at this picture!
. . . . . and turn left. The restaurant is on the left side
A. Turn around
B. Turn right
C. Go past
D. Take the second right

Soal No.13
Timoti is sick. He have to go to. . .
A. Post office
B. School
C. Restaurant
D. Hospital

Soal No.14
Look at this picture!
Bus station is. . ..Drugstore
A. Across from
B. In front of
C. Behind
D. Between

Soal No.15
Adit want to buy science book. He go to. . .
A. Bus station
B. Laboratory
C. Hospitak
D. Bookstore

Nilai = 
Nilai Tertinggi (Maksimal): 100

Latihan soal pilihan ganda Direction and Location - Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 dan kunci jawaban.

in English is ….

A. T-Junction

B. Crossroad

C. Turn left

D. Turn Right


In front of in Indonesian is …

A. Di belakang

B. Di samping

C. Di depan

D. Di atas


Vas diatas meja in English is …

A. The vas is under the table

B. The vas is behind the table

C. The vas is on the table

D. The vas is between the table


This notice mean ….

A. Don’t park

B. Don’t turn right

C. Don’t stop

D. Don’t turn left


Berseberangan dengan in English is ….

A. Street

B. Beside

C. T-Junction

D. Across From


Perpustakaan di depan toko buah in English is …

A. The library is behind of the fruitstall

B. The library is beside of the fruitstall

C. The library is in front of the fruitstall

D. The library is in between of the fruitstall


Don’t enter in Indonesian is …

A. Dilarang masuk

B. Dilarang parkir disini

C. Dilarang belok kiri

D. Dlarang belok kanan


Diantara in English is …

A. between

B. in front of

C. next to

D. behind


We are not allowed to ….

A. Park

B. Stop

C. Enter

D. Turn


Buku berada di dalam tas in English is ….

A. The books are in the bag

B. The books are in front of the bag

C. The books are beside the bag

D. The books are behind the bag


The drugstore is beside the bank in Indonesian is …

A. Toko obat berada di belakang bank

B. Toko obat berada di sebelah bank

C. Toko obat berada di depan bank

D. Toko obat berada di atas bank


Barat in English is ….

A. West

B. North

C. East

D. South


Taman in English is …

A. School

B. Park

C. Field

D. Street


The meaning of “The ball is under the table” is …

A. Bunga di bawah meja

B. Bola berada diatas meja

C. Bola berada di belakang meja

D. Bola berada di bawah meja


What is this ….

A. This is a traffic light

B. This is a light

C. This is a traffic

D. This is a light traffic


The opposite of South is …

A. West

B. North

C. East

D. Southwest


What is the opposite of northwest?

A. Northeast

B. Southeast

C. Southwest

D. South


in english is …

A. T-Junction

B. crossroad

C. parking area

D. turn around


What is the meaning “The cat is behind the door”?

A. Kucing berada di atas pintu

B. Kucing berada di bawah pintu

C. Kucing berada di belakang pintu

D. Kucing berada di depan pintu


The park is on Jl. Melati in Indonesian is …

A. Parkir berada di jalan melati

B. Sekolah berada di jalan melati

C. Gedung perpustakaan berada di jalan melati

D. Taman berada di jalan melati


What is between north adn west?

A. Northwest

B. Northeast

C. Southwest

D. Southeast


it’s mean …

A. Don’t enter

B. Don’t turn around

C. Don’t Park here

D. Don’t turn left


Toko roti in English is ….

A. Butcher

B. Shop

C. Stationary

D. Bakery


Jalan terus in English is ….

A. Turn Right

B. Turn left

C. Go straight

D. Turn around


What is the meaning of “Don’t Turn Left?”

A. Dilarang berbalik arah

B. Dilarang Belok kanan

C. Dilarang belok kiri

D. Dilarang masuk


Here are some possible long-tail keywords related to the topic of "direction and location" for a 6th grade English language test in elementary school:

  1. "Practice questions for 6th grade English test on directions and locations"
  2. "Vocabulary words for direction and location in English for 6th graders"
  3. "English language exercises for 6th graders on giving and following directions"
  4. "6th grade English test on cardinal directions and map reading"
  5. "Listening comprehension questions for 6th grade English test on location and direction"
  6. "Reading passages with questions for 6th grade English test on spatial orientation"
  7. "Spelling and pronunciation practice for direction and location words in English for 6th graders"
  8. "Grammar rules for using prepositions of location and direction in English for 6th grade students"
  9. "Writing prompts for 6th grade English test on describing locations and giving directions"
  10. "Interactive games and activities for 6th grade English class on directions and location."

Here are some possible long-tail keywords related to the topic of "direction and location" for a 6th grade English language test in elementary school:

  1. "Practice questions for 6th grade English test on directions and locations"
  2. "Vocabulary words for direction and location in English for 6th graders"
  3. "English language exercises for 6th graders on giving and following directions"
  4. "6th grade English test on cardinal directions and map reading"
  5. "Listening comprehension questions for 6th grade English test on location and direction"
  6. "Reading passages with questions for 6th grade English test on spatial orientation"
  7. "Spelling and pronunciation practice for direction and location words in English for 6th graders"
  8. "Grammar rules for using prepositions of location and direction in English for 6th grade students"
  9. "Writing prompts for 6th grade English test on describing locations and giving directions"
  10. "Interactive games and activities for 6th grade English class on directions and location."